Block a user

Desktop iOS & Android

From your homepage:

      1. On your homepage, click the  three-dot button on story preview.
      2. Click Block author to block the writer of the story.

From a profile page:

    1. Go to the profile page of the writer you want to block and click the  three-dot button in the top-right corner of the page.
    2. Click Block the author.

What happens when you block someone?

  • Their posts will be removed from your feed and email digests, and you won't see them in the future.
  • You won't be able to follow them. You can see their profile, but not their posts. 
  • Any responses they've left on your posts won't be visible to readers unless they visit the blocked user's profile page.
  • Blocked users cannot leave notes, recommend, or otherwise interact with your content. They can @mention you, but you will not be notified.
  • Blocked users will not be able to follow you or view your content while logged in. If a blocked user visits your profile, they’ll see a message that they’ve been blocked.
  • Any of your stories added to a blocked user's List will be removed from their Lists.

Managing blocked accounts

Desktop iOS & Android
  1. On your homepage, click on   your profile picture and click Settings. Click Blocked users.
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