Manage responses

When you publish a story or create a list, you have the ability to hide and report specific responses that you don't want to see, or you can also close the discussion on your post or list so that no one can leave further responses on it.

Hiding individual responses

  1. On the response you want to hide, click the  three-dot button.
  2. Choose Hide this response from the menu.

When you hide a response on your story or list:

  • It will no longer be visible on your story or list.
  • The response author will not be notified.

Managing hidden responses

You can view and unhide hidden responses on your post from a separate response management page.

  1. At the top of the responses side panel, click the  three-dot button.
  2. Choose Manage responses from the menu.
  3. Click Sorted by date, oldest first and change the sorting option to Hidden responses.
  4. From there, you can view all your hidden responses. To unhide a response, click the  down arrow button on a response and click Show response on your story page from the menu.

Closing the responses section

Closing a discussion prevents responses from being added or edited on your story or list. Existing responses will remain on your story.

  1. At the top of the responses side panel, click the  three-dot button.
  2. Click Close discussion from the menu.
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