Publication stats

  1. Go to your publication homepage.
  2. Click on your publication avatar in the top-right corner of the page.
  3. Click Stats.

Note: Publication management features are not supported on mobile apps.

Monthly stats

Pub stats page.webp

  • Views: The total number of views your publication has received on all posts and pages.
  • Reads: The total number of reads your publication has received on all posts.

Click on the dropdown on the righthand side to select the month. You will be able to review your publication's stats going back to January 2023.

Lifetime stats

On the same page and below the monthly stats, you'll be able to see the stats per-story. Click on the dropdown to change the how the stories are organized.


Views vs. reads

Views are the number of visitors who clicked on a story's page, while Reads tells you how many viewers have read the entire story (an estimate).

Common questions

Is Google Analytics available on Medium?

Medium currently does not support Google Analytics or any other third-party analytics tool.

Can I export my stats?
At this time, your publication stats page doesn't support an export option.
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