Homepage navigation

 Who can use this feature?

This feature is only available to editors of a Medium publication.

If your publication is using the beta design tools, see this article instead.

You can add a navigation bar to your publication for quick access to your publication's feature pages, topic pages, and featured articles. You can also add one off-site link to your navigation bar.

  1. Go to your publication homepage and click your publication avatar in the top-right corner of the page.
  2. Click Navigation.
  3. Click  to create a new navigation element.
  4. Choose what to display in that tab.
  5. Save your changes.

Off-site links in navigation

To add a link offsite, select the option Add a tab linking to a different site and enter your details.

Example of the option to add a tab linking to an external site

When you're ready, click the Save button, and you're all set.

Your off-site link will appear to the right of your navigation tabs, separated by a vertical line, as in the screenshot below:

Example of the navigation once saved

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