Customizing your publication homepage layout with beta publication tools

 Who can use this feature?

This feature is only available to editors of a Medium publication.

Activating beta publication layout

  1. Go to your publication homepage.
  2. Click on your publication avatar in the top-right corner of the page.
  3. Click Homepage and settings.
  4. Under Try the beta section click Opt in.

Designing your publication pages

The new design editor lets you make style changes to your homepage and article pages.


To access your publication's design tools:

  1. Click on your publication avatar in the top-right corner of your publication homepage.
  2. Choose Design your publication from the menu.

These tools are only available on desktop.

On the Design page, you can click between Homepage and Story views in the top navigation bar to see how your changes reflect in each.

In the editor panel on the left, you can:

  • Change your background and accent colors
  • Change your fonts
  • Customize publication homepage header

Let’s work our way down the editor panel.

Changing your background and accent colors

In the editor panel on the left side of the page, click Colors to open the colors section, where you can change your publication's accent color, as well as the color of your background.

Accent color
Color used for the buttons and links, such as the publication's Follow button or the authors' names on your stories.
Background color
Color of the page on all your stories.

Your font color will adjust for darker background colors automatically to retain accessibility for your readers.

If you don’t like your changes, click Reset color from the color picker dropdown at the bottom to return to the previous color selection.

Changing your fonts

Click Fonts in the editor panel on the left side of the page to open the font options. Medium currently support three fonts, which you can apply to your story titles, details, and body.

Font used for story titles.
Font used for story subtitles, publish date, author name, kickers, and headings.
Font used in the body of your stories.

Customizing your publication homepage header

Click Header in the design editor panel on the left side to open customization options for your homepage header.

Applying an image or color to your header’s background

In the Background section, you can make the following changes:

  • Apply a color or image to your header’s background.
  • Choose between a solid image or color or a gradient overlay.
  • Adjust the display type and position of your image, if applicable.

You can also change the story page’s header background color in this window. Click over to the story view to see the changes.

Adding a logo or editing your publication name

In the Name section of the header dropdown, you can add and adjust a logo for your publication. If you don’t have a logo, you can edit the color and size of your publication name here instead.

Tip: When adding a logo, upload it as a PNG so that its background is transparent.

Customizing your publication navigation sections

In the editor panel on the left side of the page, click Sections to open up your publication navigation section.

Publication navigation links appear on your publication header, next to your logo and the Follow button.

From there, click Add section by to add a new section:

  • Click Topic to add a link to your publication's topic page. Type in the section name and the topic that the section should be displaying. Your section will show all the stories in your publication with that topic.
  • Click Link to add a URL to a Medium story or any non-Medium URL.

You can add up to nine sections to your publication navigation bar at a time. To delete a section, click the X button near the section you want to delete and confirm.

Publishing or canceling your changes

When you’re ready to publish your changes, click the Publish button in the top-right corner of the page and confirm. When you publish for the first time, your new publication will become visible for all your readers to see. You can also cancel your changes from there.

Your publication homepage

The new homepage is streamlined and designed to get readers right into the content. If a story is short, the whole post will appear inline on the homepage. If it’s longer, the homepage will show the first few paragraphs then a “read more” link. Stories automatically appear in the order they were published, with the exception of pinned stories (see below).

While your publication is in beta, but not yet visible for readers, you’ll still have access to the previous Homepage manager under Settings. That’s where you can continue to manage your old homepage until you make the old one visible to readers.

Once you make your publication “Visible”, you’ll no longer manage your homepage from this interface. It’ll always show readers the latest stories, and you can use the pinning function to highlight a particular story or stories by placing it at the top.

Pinning stories on your publication homepage

You can pin stories on your homepage to always have them at the top of the feed.

  1. On your publication homepage, click the  three-dot button on the lower right hand side of the story card.
  2. Click Pin story.

You can unpin your story by following the same steps. Additionally, you can do this during the publish flow by clicking Pin story on the publish screen.

You can pin as many stories as you want, and the most recently pinned piece will have top priority.

Deactivating beta publication layout

You can deactivate the beta publication layout and go back to the earlier design at any time.

  1. Go to your publication homepage.
  2. Click on your publication avatar in the top-right corner of the page.
  3. Click Settings.
  4. Under Beta section click Opt out.

Common questions

Can I adjust my layout?
We believe the single-column layout builds better relationships between you and your readers by drawing them directly into your writing. You can control the order of stories by pinning them, but otherwise your publication’s homepage will always show stories newest to oldest.
Where are the feature pages?
Feature pages are being replaced by topic pages. When you add a topic to a story in your publication, a topic page is automatically created for that topic. Clicking a topic at the bottom of the story will take readers to a dedicated page that shows all stories in your publication that use that topic.
Story pages look different. Why?
We find that readers want to know more about the author of a story, so we've featured their information more prominently in the margins on wide screens. We also believe readers will be curious to scan more stories from the same story or publication, so they can now scroll directly into the next handful of stories from the publication at the bottom of every story page.
What does this look like on Medium’s mobile apps?
The mobile apps are changing, too. The design of your publication on web and apps will be pretty similar to what you see on web, and your style choices will be reflected in the apps.
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