Publication images

To edit your publication images, go to your publication homepage, click the publication icon, and then click Homepage and settings.

Info tab

Publication avatar


Assign a publication avatar to be used in previews of your content throughout the site. 

The image must be square and a minimum of 60px by 60px.

Publication logo (appears on posts)


Add a publication logo, which appears at the top of all your publication's stories. 

It is 72px tall and can have a maximum width of 600px.

Homepage tab

In the Homepage tab of the publication settings, you can select a header size, upload a logo and add a background image (large header size only).

Homepage logo

In the layout option, select "Logo" or "Both" to activate the option to on your publication header.

Click on the camera button to upload a logo. To remove it, click on the image and tap the delete or backspace key on your keyboard. 

Optimum homepage logo size

We assume all publication homepage logos are retina-ready, meaning that the logo is uploaded at twice the size it will be displayed. 

If you upload a 2000px wide and 1000px high logo, Medium interprets it as 1000px wide and 500x tall. We do this so logos will look good on all sizes of screens.

Logos scale down to fit inside your header if they are a larger resolution than the area we dedicate to logos, but logos smaller than the logo area won’t scale up.

Background images

With large headers only, you can set a background image that will span horizontally across the page.

Choose L as the header size, then click on Add background image to upload a high-quality photo to use as a background image for your header.

Your title and/or logo will be overlaid on your background image. For this reason, if you'd like a transparency effect, use a .PNG file with a transparent background.

Optimal background image size

While we require background images on large headers to be at least 1500px wide and 750px high, we recommend you upload the largest image you can, maintaining a 2:1 width-to-height ratio.

Background image focal point

To set the focal point for automatic cropping of your background image, click the menu option Background image and then click on the image to set focus.


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